Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Why do women have one breast larger than the other?

It is usually on the side of which hand they use, that the breast is larger.
I will have to read about why.
Some women have such a discrepancy in the sizes that they need plastic surgery to correct the problem.

Breast Asymmetry

In general, most women have some degree of asymmetry (difference) between their two breasts. This difference can be seen as a difference in, shape, size or nipple height on the breast itself. In some women the inframammary creases may also be at different heights with one breast lower than the other. For patients with scoliosis there may be a difference in their chest wall causing one breast to protrude outward more than the other. Usually, the average breast differences are so minimal as to cause little or no concern for the patient pre operatively. Even if there are subtle breast asymmetries, Dr. Corbin likes to inform the patient prior to breast surgery. Sometimes a small difference in breast shape or size is magnified once the breasts are made larger.

In more obvious cases the difference between two breasts can be quite substantial, causing both physical imbalance and emotional distress for the patient.

In cases of breast asymmetry, each woman's situation is unique. The goal of corrective breast surgery is to create two breasts that match each other as closely as possible in both size and shape. This may be best achieved with corrective breast surgery on one breast or both breasts. Corrective breast surgery may include augmenting one breast and lifting or reducing the other breast. Dr. Corbin custom tailors the surgery to each individual patients needs.

Usually, following corrective breast surgery, women have a greater sense of physical balance, more self confidence, a better body image, and greater self esteem. Physical harmony can often create emotional harmony.
i have that . I breast fed more on the bigger breast.
No one is totally symetrical, but for many people there is no noticeable difference.
They do? If I were a female and my breasts werent the same size I'd get a breast job!
dont have a scientific answer but probably for the same reason that sometimes one foot is bigger, or one ear is higher, or men's bits are one higher/one lower - coz we're not perfect and we sometimes develop lopsided! im sure there is an actual reason though!
You pretty much have every thing larger than the other.Like your arms, one arm is always going to be a little longer, same goes with your legs, and how big your eyes are; one eye is always bigger.So it's just normal.

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