Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Why does answers remove a question i had involving womens health ?

I posted a question under the women's health catagory, last night. It was tastefully worded and didn't contain any off color
language, just the correct biological textbook terms ...ie: vagina. Yahoo deleted it with an RSS beside it. Why ?
It's a valid question I have that even my OB/GYN changed the subject and didn't answer and I can't find any answers by googleing it, either, so I thought I'd ask here
Hurry up and ask again, and we'll try to answer it before it gets removed!
I totally understand what your saying ByeDr.com is very bias when it comes to certain answer and question.
I know what u mean... they did the samething to me and they suspended my account!! I had to strt all over...
There are dumb and even NASTY questions on here that dont ever get removed...
email me : daddiesgirl@tmail.com
and Ill answer U! :)
I am a 26yr old female BTW!!

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