Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Why do you use tampons over pads?

Well I can tell you one thing, you can't feel tampons that's why they are great. Pads move around, leak, yuck! You have to worry about changing pads all the time because it may be leaking! Tampons are Gods gift to us women.
Because i am afraid of getting TSS or other kind of infections from tampons. So i always use pads.
because the thought of sitting in my own (i wont go into what ends up on a pad) all day long repulses me. tampons are clean, nobody knows you have one in, and you don't feel a thing!

win win if you ask me.
Tampons: because pads are disgusting to clean up, are way more comfortable, easy to dispose of.
I have always preferred tampons. Pads are just so messy, I feel like everyone can 'smell' me, and I worry about slippage. I am also very active, and tampons go wherever I do.
I think you can smell the pads - there is a woman at work and I know every time she has her period as I can smell it. She uses pads.
Tampons are more discrete. I know pads may be more hygienic but I prefer tampons.
I used to need both, oh joy! I like tampons, they are less messy than pads.
pads are so annoying. it feels like a diaper. tampons you can just flush, pads you have to wrap them with half a roll of toilet paper just to conceal them in the garbage...then...it stinks. i do admit, it took me a long time to get used to using/inserting tampons, but once i got the hang of it, i NEVER returned to pads...unless i really had no choice!
That whole TSS thing doesn't worry me. I think the dangers of tampson are WAY exaggerated. Tampons are safer than they were when TSS was first discovered. I've left my tampon in longer than your supposed to plenty of times.

Pads suck. It feels like a diaper, you're always self conscious people will be able to see the pad's outline under your pants. It leaks, it smells, and I just downright hate them.

I even use tampons while I'm sleeping, I hate them so much.
I would use tampons, except I'm kinda scared to try them. It's not so much the toxic shock or anything, it's just the idea of sticking something up there. Pads are okay as long as you get the thin kind and change them often.

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