Saturday, October 31, 2009

Why do some obese women smell of rotten fish?

its not just obese women. some skinny women smell like fishies too. its cuz they dont clean their v jjj well enough or their on the raggers. sick.
some women also have odd pH balances that can cause them to smell even if they are clean. Actually, if a woman douches too much, that can cause a vaginal odor.
Maybe that's what they eat all day and that's why their fat? Lol
Because you have a bad sense of smell.
Skinny women can smell too for many reasons.
Its not just obese women, it can be from ANY female. Maybe because, they don't wash enough or they could have sum kind of medical reason for why
Because they eat their feeling which makes them feel and smell like rotten fish.
there is a syndrome out there called "fish odor syndrome"...their body is lacking an enzyme...just google it and read up on it

Why do some girls sweat smell stronger than others?

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Why do some girls lift their tongues when yawning and other girls don't? I have noticed this only with girls.

i have no idea. personal preference i guess.
now thats a useless question with no answers

Why do some girls have bigger bewbies than other girls? Why not every girl just have big bewbies!?

For the same reason all boys don't have big dickies. God wanted everyone to be different.
If they are not artificially enhanced, then it comes down to one simple word: GENETICS.
that's a silly question, but i'll answer.
Women's breasts are composed of fat, generally a bigger woman will have bigger breasts, but that isn't always the case. Besides, in the end it doesn't matter what size they are, as long as they produce milk for the baby, cause that's what we have them for.
every girl develops differently,we can't all be the same,can we? it's not that hard to understand
Learn to spell honey. Don't be jealous of girls with bigger breasts than you. Believe me they are not happy having the boys always staring at their breast. And big breast hurt, all that weight hanging in the front. Be happy with what you got. Some day after pregnancy they will probably get fuller.
Everyone has different body types. I'm glad we dont all have big ones...I seriously wouldnt want them! I like my B cups! Lol..

Why do pregnant women like me have to sleep only on their left side not the right?

The inferior vena cava runs in the center of the body (for most people). Thus, sleeping on your back is not recommended because you can restrict blood flow. Sleeping on your left side is preferred because it delivers the most nutrients to the baby through the placenta. There is nothing wrong with sleeping on your right side except that the nutrient flow isn't as great as it is on your left side.

On a personal note...I am 29 weeks pregnant and still sleep on my back, left side, and right side. The other day I woke up on my stomach. Really and truthfully, it doesn't matter. Sleep however you are the most comfortable. You will naturally wake up if you get uncomfortable. I do recommend a body pillow for support though - it's a godsend!

Best of luck!
There is a major artery that runs down your right side. Sleeping on it can cause oxygen deprivation to the fetus.
what she said

Why do periods give us cramps?

Why does being on my period give me cramps?
Yup--uterine contractions getting that old lining out.

Now, from my first aid classes--you women who've had children will know part of this at least--the uterus, immediate post-partum, contracts to about a softball-sized lump, roughly halfway between your navel and the upper edge of your pubic hair (or where it was), and we'd knead it down like bread dough.

Gets it to relax and back to it's normal size. Guess what? Same type of massage, although you'll have to press in a bit with your fingertips, it great for reducing or relieving menstrual cramps!
The uterus is contracting to slough off the lining that has not been implanted with a fertilized ovum.
I wondered about this too as a girl. When I was in labor with my first child I realized that the pain was similar, so I guessed that the pain might be the cervex being stretched plus the uterus trying to expell the menstral flow.
This is my own explanation, but it also made childbirth easier when I could visualize what was hurting, and why.
It's all Eve's fault.

Seriously, your uterus is actually helping to push out all the gunk that your body prepared for pregnancy that you didn't need after all. Take helps.
This is kind of a strange comparison, but it worked for me. Think of your uterus like a tube of toothpaste. You have to squeeze the tube to get the toothpaste out, and your body does the same thing when you have your period. Your uterus is squeezing and contracting itself to remove the lining.
Besides taking a pill, try a warm heating pad across the area where you are having pain. Some girls have it in their lower abdomen, some in their backs. Also, stay away from too much caffine and spicy foods. You can go to for more technical information on exactly why this happens. It's all wrapped up in hormones. But, yeah, the uterus is just getting rid of a mucosal lining, extra blood (which is obvious), and a lot of vitamins and minerals it was storing up for a baby.

Why do people have irregular period? Help me!?

Okay I havent gotten my period yet, and its been a month. Why is it irregular? Is it because I just got it last year or something? And no im not pregnant cuz I havent done it, im only 14
Not everybody is on an exact cycle. Sometimes stress can cause you to be late. If you're more than 1 month late, I'd see a doctor - it's normal for people to skip periods occasionally. Next month if you still haven't had one, have your mom take you to a GYN just to be sure there isn't more of a problem.
Start tracking your cycle - it'll help you understand your body more.
Good luck - don't worry, everything will be alright
Yeah I'm 14 too. Mine are soo irregular but its nothing to worry about. I can go 3-4 months sometimes without one but its fine cause thats the way it sometimes is when ur younger.
last time that happend to me i went to the doctors and they toook a quick peek and asked me a few question and then they gave me some medicine that really schould really do that.
well right now for you its normal cuz you just started a year ago but if it keeps goin on in the future than you should see your ob/gyn , im about to be 16 ive had my periods since i was 11 and thier late sometimes but i never ever skip a month

Why do people have birth marks?

those are branding marks from aliens dude. you'll find out someday.

damnit luch you stole my thunder
So the aliens can know who to abduct.
good question
i heard they got hurt in the wone ot the birth canal.
I don't know but i have a birth mark that is huge and it takes up my whole thigh! I feel very insecure about it though and mine has hair that is kind of long(no retarded jokes please) but yea my mom told me that it was just some like cancer cells some develope into cancerous birthmarks and others are not cancerous but can become. My grandma told me I was kissed by an angel and they had brown lipstick on!
Actually, no one really knows what causes birth marks
It is not clear why some people have birthmarks and others do not. Some birthmarks appear because a person has extra color (pigment) in his or her skin. Other birthmarks appear because a persons blood vessels did not develop normally or are grouped together too closely. Many folktales and myths exist about the causes of birthmarks, but none has been proven to explain the true causes of birthmarks.

Why do orgasms stop my menstrual cramps?

One orgasm for me equals about half an hour of freedom from pain.
Because it releases serotonin, which is a "feel good" chemical released from the brain and is a natural analgesic.
i dunno but me too lol
Yea it does for me too hahaha...
I'm not sure as to the scientific or medical reason, but yeah, they do seem to work really well for that reason

Why do only children get to drink woman's milk?

can men also drink it from the breast of a woman?
Yes you can, it's delicious.
no. gross. go to bed.
Like "fancy" said, please go to bed. Sounds like you were never weaned.
oh come on you friggin weirdo. women are not cows. ( but apparently some men are pigs)
ask u r mom to give u again
Breast milk actually tastes desgusting, but babies don't have anything to compare it to. :)
It has natural immunity fighting properties. The mother has built up certain immunity to things and can pass that along to their baby by breast feeding. There has always been a debate whether to breast feed or not.

Yes men can drink the breast milk. Its NOT anything like regular milk from a cow.

Why do nipples become darker when a woman is pregnant?

and would they return back to its first color after pregnancy?

(I'm not a woman)
for preparation of nursing the baby and higher levels of i learned in my labor and delivery rotation that darker discoloration is an easy target for babies to see when they breastfeed.

im not sure exactly if they return to its original color...but im guessing that if the woman is still breastfeeding months after the delivery that the hormones would still be high...and eventually once breastfeeding is ceased, then the level of hormones would be lower and decrease the color
Good question! I've wondered the same thing (I'm 29 weeks pregnant). Here's what I've come up with - it's a hormonal thing. Lots and lots of hormones = lots and lots of body changes.

also...and this may be stretch, but it makes it easier for the baby to latch on? Maybe it allows the baby to see where they are supposed to go? Just a thought...
This is very strange but true. I don't know why, maybe just from hormones. They do lighten after pregnancy but are still darker than they were before.
Ewww...Just the thought of that makes me never want to have a kid.

Why do my hips look soo weird? im 14, 5'1,99 lbs with scoliosis and my hips look diiferent from other girls?

im 14, 5'1 with a 51 degree curve of scoliosis and 99 lbs..well my hips look like they start up high and just look weird. i mean im not fat or anything.
are there any exersises to help my hips become normal/longer?
will it b okay once i finish growing??
helpp please!!

I would say that you are still growing.

Your hips start out quite high and as your body starts changing your hips will open out (go lower).

I am not sure whether your scoliosis would affect this, however, you are still young and have plenty of time to form. Its ok that you are different from other girls. Everyone grows and changes at different rates.
I really think they look fine, dear. It's only worth worrying about it if they cause you physical pain in the future.
i'm not sure if it will correct itself, but when you stand, distribute your weight evenly between both your legs and when you sit, don't hunch. that might help. and i don't really see how they're that bad! your mind sometimes makes "imperfections" look worse than they actually are. don't worry about it, i hardly noticed and you pointed it out to me! if you don't tell anyone, i'm sure they won't notice.
u have scoliosis. look it up on google
I am sorry to hear about your scoliosis. I had this same problem. Your hips look that way because of your scoliosis. Mine were very uneven most of my life. Unfortunately, there is really nothing that can be done. There are no exercises that would help, because it has to do with the alignment of your spine, and possibly your leg length. The only reason my hips are even now is because of my scoliosis surgery. Sorry, I know this is not exactly encouraging. But you are beautiful, and just glancing at it, you really can't tell.
Good Luck.
That's due to lumbar curve causing lateral flextion and rotation...
It can be corrected to some degree..
check out a brace called spinecor..

Why do my breasts leak?

My breasts have recently started to leak and i do not know why as ive had two periods so know i cannot be pregnant.I have just started taking the pill so dont know if this would be a factor.It appearslike a clear discharge , im assuming it is not breast milk, can anyone help me?
Please see your doctor! It may be a side effect or an indication of something serious. I say this over and over to people, mostly because I have had so many friends discover too late they had something that could have been treated "if we had caught it in time". I wish you the best of health!
Breast milk starts as a clear liquid. Some women have periods while pregnant. Some women have that reaction with the hormones in birthcontrol pills. Ask your doctor.
you should do to the Dr and have this checked out as it could be from a few different reasons

Why do my breasts grow when I get my period?

It has nothing to do with bloating. Its a wonderful, special hormone called estrogen that causes it.
Bloating/water weight gain
i think it has to do with being bloted and your stomach swells well you breast must do the same but it goes away, it happens to me too..
Your whole body gets bloated with excess water this is what causes boobs, and but too hurt. It is also puts pressure on your brain wich is why you have headaches and your kinda...irritated.
so the men in your life are distracted while you go through your mood swings
body retains more fluids,plus the glands trying to produce,massaging them sometimes helps if there is soreness,discomfort,even pain.
Hi There... It's a Hormone Thing..

Why do my boobs constantly hurt? and my nipples are huge!?

early signs of pregnancy? It could be hormonal too..if it continues more than 7 days go to see your may be a sign of something else like mastitis..or other infection.
Could you be with child?
You might be pregnant? Or you may be just having a messed up cycle. I don't know how old you are but you might be going through menopause!
maybe you should have a mamogram
is it all the time or just certain times of the month? It could just be hormones acting up around your menstrual cycle, or you could be preggo!
Pregnancy or PMS/Menstration.
your either
young, in puberty (which ends between 18 to 25 ish and varies from person to person) and still growing.

about to come on

are on your period, or

are breast feeding.

All are the results of hormones flowing round your body, you've probably had a surge of them due to any of the list happening to you
Painful boobs are a standard sign of early pregnancy, but can also be a symptom of PMS. If your nipples have changed, it's likely that you're pregnant. It's common to feel emotional when you're trying to get pregnant, so that, alone, isn't enough... Good luck!
go to your doctors get checked out

Why do menstruate come more than once in a month?

The answer is that your shouldn't menstruate more than once a month.

If you are then you need to seek medical advice, this is a sure sign that something isn't quite right.

Don't put it off thinking it will get better on its on, this things usually only get worse left over time.
something is wrong, see a gynocologist.
if u got menstruation more than once in a month, thats irregular better go to your ob
Irregular menstruation. Go to your Gynaecologist.
Any number of hormonal issues could cause it to come more than once a month. Stress,Diet,Medications, Birth control. Is depo provera being used, that is one of it's main side effects. If not that, it might be a good idea to speak to a doctor about it to rule out any underlying problems that may be more serious.
Every woman is different. Sometimes the ovaries release eggs more often than once a month. You could simply be in your own unique cycle or there could be something wrong. For your own peace of mind, I would suggest going to see a doctor.
Most likely birth control or stress.
It could be that your cycle has changed and this won't last very long.

However, it could also be a hormonal imbalance. Menstruation more than once a month can be a sign of an overactive thyroid gland. If it is your thyroid you are likely to have other symptoms- (frequent) heavy periods, weight loss, sweating or a tremor in your hands etc.

Talk to your GP and ask if you can have a thyroid function test. If it isn't your thyroid your doctor will be able to help you.

Why do men freak over injured or seriously ill women, and the women end up dead?

My neighbor died today at 45 years old leaving a 2 year old daughter, fiancee, sweet dog, and cat. She had strep throat 3 months ago that developed into bronchitis, then went into pnuemonia. She has been on life support for almost 2 months in ICU.
She lost her job about 8 months ago, and started drinking heavily. She did not want to find another job, and depended on her boyfriend for support. She refused to allow him to take her to the doctor. On March 11, 2007 I was getting into my car when here comes the fire dept, and an ambulance to get her.

Her bf said she had gotten so bad off he had to call them.

My ex bf had the exact same thing to happen with his wife. She lost her job started drinking heavily, and ordering things from HSN daily. She was seriously bitten by one of their dogs breaking up a dog fight. She also refused help until it was too late. She wanted to be taken for a hair perm appointment then the hospital. She died about 10 days later.
What is up with this??
Sounds like typical white trash. Dogs, dog fights, drinking, not taking care of health problems... Yup, white trash.

Why do men average higher IQ's, and SAT scores?

Men average approximately 4 points high on IQ tests worldwide, and approx. 35 points higher on the SAT. Even on the verbal section of the SAT, men scored 9 points high on average. Please, someone explain this to me.
Men worldwide don't take the SAT! I know in Ireland for the Leaving Cert (the exam that qualifies you for graduation/college from secondary school) girls on average score higher than boys in every subject but maths.
The tests are written by men and therefore skewed toward men, no matter what precautions they take to prevent that.

Why do I yearn so much?

I use the restroom like every fives to ten mintues
Could be kidney or bladder infection as mentioned above. It could also be pregnancy or just drinking too much fluids.
It is possible that you have some sort of bladder or kidney infection. has more answers to your question. I hope this helps.

Why do I throw up when i get nervous?

The problem is that I only get this super nervous when I'm with my boyfriend. I mean 'with with' uh like when we're making out. I was like this before in the beginning of our relationship, but then I got so much better, not getting nervous and not throwing up. Tonite that happened and he's fine with it and he understands, but I hate IT!! How can I help this problem of mine? I really enjoy making out and being intimate, I just don't wanna throw up anymore or get that nervous.
It seems like you have a lot of anxiety. Just relax.
I would say to think about what it is that makes you so anxious and once you figure that out make a list of ways that you can fix it. If you feel like you need more help, talk to your doctor. They can recommend a psychologist who can help you get to the bottom of the problem, and if necessary they can send you to a psychiatrist for medication. Hang in there you'll be ok!
see a shrink, dont eat before a date, you are either guilty or scared of pregnancy so i dont think you are ready for it all.
sounds like anxiety, maybe your doctor can give you some medication to calm your nerves

Why do i smell so bad??

i wash everyday, and i still have odors down there. what could be wrong?
Well, it is common for women to have a variety of odors down there, but the most common reasons for "bad smells" are infections. The two most common are yeast and gardnerella (old name for it). Yeast usually smells kind of sweet, though. Gardnerella is an overgrowth of bacteria and gives a "fishy" smell. If you have this, then you need to go to a doctor so they can give you an antibiotic.

You should never douche or use soap (per gynecologists). It makes smells worse and upsets natural balance.

You could also try baths-no soap in water other than what you use to shampoo and wash your body otherwise.
it is a normal thing =when it bothers you too badly you should douche
Try summer's eve feminine wash
Possibly yeast infection or some other type of infection
It is not normal you most likely have an infection, see a doctor.
you may be washing too have a natural protection "down there" and if you wash it too'll remove the layer that gives protection against bacteria.
use a dewsh or how ever u spell it clean more than u usually do!! sorry if didnt help
if its a strong fishy smell its probably your body giving you a sign thats somethings not right. you probably have an infection down there. you should go see your doctor and have them solve the problem for you
see a doctor you probably have an infection and the douching won't help much sometimes it makes the problem worse as you destroy the natural bacteria that the vagina produce and that makes you more prone to getting infections.
do not douche. u should not have odors. that area will have a smell, but it should not be a bad smell and it should not be strong. it sounds like a yeast or bacterial infection or a combination of both. u need to see a gynocologist. douching can actuallly spread the yeast infection further up inside u and if u don't have a yeast infection it can cause one
That is the wonderful odor..that everyone has. Don't worry hun-I took a shower this morning, and when I got out and fliped my hair upside down, I was like, "what the heck! I just showered! I can't stink down there!"

And so when I put on my jeans, I just sprayed some body spray on there. NOT directly on it. I had pants on.

A good idea is when you are taking the shower, (i know this is gross) just like, make sure water washes through there. To clean it out. I hope you know what I mean. Especilly during PMS, you need to like, ("spread it") to clean it.

It helps I think.

try going to see a doctor. you probably have yeast infection. :| Try douching too.

Why do I see total black after standing up from a sqauting position ?

Every time I squat down and then stand up again,I see black ,almost like a blackout but I don't faint to the floor. Could it be high blood pressure? I'm 24 and the only times I can remember seeing black like that was during my past three pregnancies,and I know for sure that I'm not pregnant now! It's really strange .
i appreciate you asking this question, i have had this for i dont know how many years, ive never been pregnant, it just happens and now i know why! thanks!
It sounds like orthostatic hypotension. This occurs when you have a momentary drop in blood pressure and blood flow to your head that occurs when you get up too quickly from a seated or lying position (or in your case a squatting position). Your health care provider can assess you for this by checking your blood pressure in both a sitting and standing position.
Rising quickly can cause you to pass out or even see "black" and yes it's due to the sudden rise of BP. Try rising slower if this still persist then I would call your doctor just to make sure your BP is in check not to high or to low. It's normal for our BP to drop or lower during different circumstances however, if it's causing problems then I would get it checked out.
It could be High blood pressure or it could be something called Orthostatic-hypotension If i remember correctly Its a process where after sitting for a while you blood rushes from your head and abdomen downward ccausing a sudden drop in blood pressure.
It sounds like orthostasis, that's low blood pressure on standing. You need to check your blood pressure seated and standing. If there is a 15 point difference in the top number or your heart rate increases by 15 points you have the condition. See your doctor to discuss treatment.

Why do I keep getting acne on my genital area?

I know for a fact that I don't have any STD's, but I've found 2 painful blackheads on my vagina today %26 popped them.

*Sorry to be so explicit %26 nasty but I really need help.
I don't know but I sometimes get a pimple or blackhead there, too, and I am also disease-free. Try wearing all-cotton panties and/or panty liners for a while, it could be as simple as sweatiness.
I get stuff like that too, occasionally. It's probably not an STD. You just have to keep clean down there and make sure to minimize oil and such.
It's a warm, dark area prone to rubbing. Prime place for bacteria to clog pores. Also with there being hair follicles there is the whole oil problem.
not sure
genital herpes?? Umm maybe you should go to the doctors even if its not an std you should get some help. If not an std maybe its a ingrown hair or something?
it's not, forum...look for the link thats about HS (something sprivia, or something like that...I'm gonna have to write it down and remember it...)
maybe because its dirty
Vagina area can be dirty because of continuous sweating, complete covering, presence of pubic hair. All this things can joint together and provide a very good dwelling place for many bacteria. So please clean the area nicely with soap each time you go for toilet.

Also if pimples acne are presen in face, it has a possibility of its presence all over the body including your vagina. If you 'pop' wash with soap.
Not to be rude to you but women are much dirtier than men when it comes to that "area", it's just the way it is, i'm sure that you already do, but make sure everything is washed well, change you bed sheets often, very often, and don't pop you blackheads unless you about ready to take a shower, or else more will just sprout up, if this doesn't help see your doctor, good luck, p.s. neosporin helps them on my face, perhaps it may help you
Girl what is wrong with you sista,
look don't pop any more black heads ok, your going to end up with a infection. Now we can't have you walking around with gain green in your flower. Go get a check up sweetie and if your getting black heads down there in which I find very unusual, please use a q-tip with peroxide on it and rub on that area. Have you heard of summer eve? well they have feminine hygiene products that will help with vagina odors and what not. because I know if your popping black heads out your flower there has to be a light slight fowl odor, is there? anyway your going to be fine just call your physician. Peace Brownies
if you shave down there it is probably ingrown hairs they look like black heads and hurt like hell
well it needs treatment just like facial problems i assume.
it's oil, use ivory soap and if you use a lotion make sure it's not one thats for extra dry skin

Why do I jones for greasy fried food in the hours before I get my period?

I crave freshly made healthy food the rest of the month but just as the hormones reach their peak the greasier and more fried the better. I don't want it the enitre time I am PMSing, just right before.
I had the same ? in one of my nursing classes...
After researching the answer this is what I found...

The foods that we crave do several things for us just before
our periods...

1. On an emotional level...we all feel really bad and bloated...the foods we crave are associated with comfort, so we crave them knowing how we will feel in a few days...
Women are twice as likely than men to feel good when they fulfill their food cravings

2 Now medically...the foods we crave contain many neurotransmitters, that affect our appetite. Serotonin, enhances calmness, improves mood, and lessens depression. Serotonin is made from the amino acid tryptophan. High levels of serotonin control appetite and satisfy cravings.

When a person suffers from serotonin deficiency, the brain subconsciously makes that person seek the foods that have high levels of tryptophan. This explains why a number of people crave that candy bar when they get under much stress.

Also, the production of endorphins, a neurochemical, act as natural painkillers and cause for the feeling of pleasure.
Fats and sugar (carbs breakdown into sugars), indeed, appear to boost the brain's production of endorphins.

Hope it helps...
Your cravings are probably from hormonal changes before your period starts. Since you eat healthy most of the time, you probably crave something you don鈥檛 normally eat before your period starts. It is good that you eat healthy regularly, but only eat one (or two) pieces of chicken or order small (or medium) fries instead of the large.

For instance, I am not usually a chocolate-eater, but before my period starts I become this instant chocolate-lover (*laughing at myself*).

Why do i have to watch my words around bigger girls? when i have cellulite too. and prob more than them?

allright. i feel like everytime i say i feel gross or out of shape i have to look around and make sure everyone around me is little. i'm 5'1 i weight 110 that's normal. my bm1 is like 23 - 19 is athelically thin. ok so i have cellulite, lovehandles and a big ***. but GOD FORBID i say that in front of a big girl bc then i'm insensitive self obssesed and just another "skinny girl" i get it girls are jealous. but do i say "quit complaining chesty!" when a woman who is bigger has the bigger breasts that usually go along with it

actually when i meet a bigger girl i compliment there assests i don't say "oh well your fat so you won't understand" which is what i hear in reverse...

what i'm asking is... what's up with that?

and to you skinny girls are you close freind with bigger girls i find it impossible they are too jealous even when I"M the one jealous of them.
and vice versa
Haha I do the same thing, if I feel fat I look around to reassure myself I'm thin. I'm just like you I weigh 110 but I have love handles and cellulite too. Yeah it gets really annoying when I say something about my weight and a bigger girl says I need to shut up because I'm thin. I have a few friends who are larger and they always seem jealous but they don't understand even though I'm thin I still have f***ing cellulite and love handles!
I'm glad there's anyother girl who's like me!
Quit complaining about your body. It's gets so annoying when girls do that. If you're not happy with yourself, go work out or eat better.

Why do i have strech marks?

i have them on my butt and i have never had kids, never lost alot of weight or gained alot of weight. why are they there!?!?!?! and is there a way to make them go away?
Stretch marks develop when the skin can't stretch fast enough to encompass the amount of tissue/flesh underneath. So, even if you didn't feel like you gained a lot of weight at any time, if you suddenly got a few pounds of fat that added mainly to the butt over a short period of time, it can still cause stretch marks. The stretch mark themselves are areas of thinner skin. Unfortunately, there are no proven methods of removal, except perhaps plastic surgery, which will leave behind scars of their own. These marks don't tan well, so any tanning would only make them more obvious. There are many lotions that claim to improve the appearance stretch marks, but none of them can make them disappear. There is one popular one called "mederma" that you can buy at walmart/cvs/walgreen ect. and it seems to help as long as you keep using it...but that gets expensive over time.
CoCo Butter..
Maybe from a quick growth spurt when you were a teenager. unfortunately, a lot of women have them and there is no way that i know of to get completely rid of them.
They are hereditary.
you have them beccause your skin just cant handle the kinda like a rubber gives out after awhile...i have had two kids and dont have a one on my belly or anything like that to show that i have kids...but i do have one on my leg...on the outer thigh.
No you are just big.
probably just because when you were growing through puberty your butt got bigger so stretch marks formed i've got some of them too and on my boobs, i'm a pretty thin person and i haven't had kids either, i'm 24, its normal your a woman, you've got curves
You might have grown really fast and your skin couldn't keep up with you. I haven't found a way to get rid of them. I've heard that you can have them surgically removed - like laser treatments and all that - but I don't think there's anyway to get rid of them.darn it!
Expanding and contracting of the skin. This can occur without weight loss or any number of other reasons.

Striae are skin defects that look like bands, stripes, or lines. Striae are seen when a person grows or gains weight rapidly or has certain diseases or conditions. Another term for striae is stretch marks.

There is no specific care for stretch marks.
Its just because you are growing; You don't have to have a massive weight gain/loss to have stretch marks. Its all dependant on the elsticity of your skin. Plus a lot of times we forget to lotion/moisterizeour booties, and other places that are not seen as often as our legs arms, face, etc... Anyway, Cocoa Butter cream should help smoothe out the marks.
if i remember correctly its your skin stretches before it can really catch up to the weight gain. im not sure how to get rid of them i have them on my inner thigh and knees; i would try cocoa butter. you can also prob talk to your doctor about it and he may suggest something better.
Yes, cocoa butter works, as with a lightening cream called crusader. you can pick it up at just about any Longs/drugstore or beauty supply.

People sometimes get stretch marks just from growth. Your skin has to stretch some.
They could have been there since your growing years but may have become more prominent recently possibly to do with anxiety levels or salt intake.
Bio-oil is the miricle worker for stretch marks. It is amazing. Also, lower your salt intake and the colour can fade.
Your skin is naturally elastic. But when the skin is stretched too far, it splits, causing red stretch marks. Over time they will heal to the natural skin color. Some people are more prone to stretch marks than others because their skin isn't as "stretchy." I was always the same weight, never gained anything until I started college, but once puberty started, They broke out all over the place. The only way to "heal" them is to use cocoa butter while they are still red. Once they turn a normal skin color, there is little that can be done to get rid of them, short of surgery. Be thankful they are only on your butt, as you can still probably wear a bikini and look good. Ever since 14, I've been doomed to a 1 piece.
it happen to all woman's so dont get worry just star using cream fro stretch marks as cocoa butter or pure vitamin E, this helps to make stretch marks less visible
i have them 2 my boy freind says mine r from sitting and eating 2 many sweets lol

Why do I get tired when I have PMS?

Every month right before my period I will have a day or two where I am just so energy at all. Today I am exhausted. I know it is PMS, but what exactly happens to make me sooo tired?
Your body is working really hard and you don't feel good. Its exhausting for your body to do all that stuff its going through. Plus your probably dehydrated. You should drink lots of water during your period and times. It will make you less bloated and and less tired and less crampy. You should eat stuff with lots of iron in it too like red meat or brocolli.
Low iron. Eat more things with Iron in it or take supplements.
Women with severe premenstural syndrome may have low levels of beta endorphins. A fitness program raises beta endorphin levels, as well as reducing stress, which is also associated with PMS.
I think it has to do with a surge in female hormones.A couple weeks before mine, I get really irratable, tired, crave salty then sweet food, sore breasts .etc.! It is horrible! I have read that increasing calcium in your diet can help..I haven't really tried that yet..Good Luck!
It reacts by making one tired because your body goes thru a chemical change when having your period. Try eating salads, keep your foods light.
Every woman is like that only.For the weak people the tiredness will be more.It is due to lot of blood is going out of your body.Take some vitamin E tablets regularly and also irons it will be supplement to you.

Why do I get these little pains under my chest?

No enough info. How old are you? Where are your pains in addition to your chest?
Though you're not very specific about your problem, it could be that your bra is too tight (or your band size is too small). Remeasure your sizes, and go shopping (or get bra extenders, available in sewing stores/sections of stores). When your bra band is really a lot too small, it starts compressing your rib cage, which can be mildly annoying at first to extremely painful at the worst.
Because I'd feel remiss if I didn't say this--chest pains can be pretty serious, so don't hesitate to call a doctor if you are worried.

Now that that's out of the way... :-) It could be that your bra is too tight. It might also be a digestive thing--is it often after you eat, drink soda, or eat certain things? If you've had a cold recently, I've found that having coughed a lot can make my chest/ribs hurt for a few weeks.

Depending on where it is that you are hurting, it could be enlarged lymph nodes, a tender spleen, gallbladder, stomach, or any number of body parts. has a little symptom checker that might have some more options for you to consider.

Why do I get terrible headaches before my period?

I got a terrible headache 2 times in the last 2 months(March and April), shortly before my period. I don't ever remember getting a headache that was associated with my period before. any ideas?
There is something that I've heard of called a menstrual migraine. This can be caused by the hormones that relate to our period. I would recommend having this situation evaluated by your dr to see what they think could be going on.

Why do I get stiff as a board after exercising?

I am 42, and I use to be an avid runner and racquetball player and now if I try to do anything it makes me feel like Im 70 yrs old. Am I okay?
You're fine. You have to stretch more, before and after your workouts.

We can't do things the same way we did when we were in our 20s.
because youre giving your muscles a vigirous %26lt;spelling%26gt; workout. this is a good thing, as long as you arent stiff two days later. i get stiff after excercising. dont worry. but if youre still worried, then you might want to ask your doctor about it, just to be on the safe side.
Stretch out, warm up, exercise, cool down and stretch out again.

Exercise on a regular basis and go through the above routine EVERY time you do. I'm 59 and it works for me, a hot shower in the morning followed by a short period of stretching also help. By short, I mean about a minute and no more than two. Just to loosen things up.
You should be stretching for thirty minutes prior to a work out. Making sure you drink plenty of water to help flush out the lactic acid biuld up you created while working out. It may also help to go for a twenty minute walk after your work out. This helps to release groth hormones that help in the repairs to a work out.

Why do i get so nauseous before my period?

I'm not pregnant. I feel like I am though. Every month like clockwork I feel like I am pregnant. I've asked my obgyn and he just suggests birth control pills. I cant take them though, I get too depressed and really feel sick all the time! Help!
The pill made me depressed too. I would try Estroven. it's NOT just for menopause %26 hot flashes. It's supposed to "balance" your hormones naturally with all these ingerdients. it hasn't hurt me yet %26 it's OTC.
I suggest you stop those pills, it will make you more sick. It is just the sudden decline of your hormonal level that get you feel nauseous, it will just go away if you have your period. for the mean time, take a cup of peppermint tea, and a piece of craker, then you will feel alright.
its probably something you eat right before it comes? so its probably really nothing serious about it

Why do i get so many mussle cramps in my leg and arms?

drink more water
Probably from lack of water
Just make sure you drink more water.
I used to have that problem and water works for me also Tylenol helps if you have cramps.
Your magnesium level can be low. That is what happened to me or you may be dehydrated.

Just try magnesium tablets for a week and drink plenty of water.
how old are you? If you are still could be growing pains. It also could be potassium deficiency. I know I get cramps in my feet and lower legs.and..when I eat bananas I do not get them.
It is possible dehydration or low potassium. Drink more water and try to eat a banana a day to see if it helps.

Why do i get my period so late?

first it came on the 9th of every month but now it comes on the 14th of later than that every month.
Depends on how old you are, often times cycles don't go by the month either. I have a 31-33 day cycle, slightly longer than a month, so of course it seems like it happens later every month depending on the month. In an extreme situation, stress, illness, weight loss/gain, exercise changes, these things can all cause delay in ovulation and thus menstruation. It doesn't sound like you have a problem though, just a slightly longer than a month period. Track the length in days vs by the month.
it could be ur system is still adjusting or it could be becuase ur stressed out to much.
How old are you? Many women don't become "regular" until they're well into their 20s. Some never do.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Why do I get horny whenever I sit down?

short to long periods of time it happens.
Because every time you sit down you try to picture me naked.
proberbley some nerve trapped reaction
i hope i talk to you when you sitting down lol
Do you have your c*** pierced?

Why do i get hicupps after i eat ?? they last for a long time.?

hiccups are caused by air trapped in your is slowly escaping...this is caused by eating too fast, the air does not have time to should try to take smaller bites, eat slower, and drink alot of fluids with meals...this also helps with your overall digestion as well :)
I don't know but here are some top cures!

Pouring a can of sulfuric acid over your head.

Reading War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy.

Lying down.

Standing up.

Drinking three pints of water while standing on your head.

Drinking three pints of vodka while standing on your head.

Staying awake for 72 hours.

Holding your breath for 72 hours.

Reading Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire by Edward Gibbon.




Learn every dead baby joke in THE WORLD.
That's probably because you eat too fast and/or don't chew the food properly.
Try slowing down, eat smaller bites and chew each bite longer.
It's not caused by air or anything else trapped anywhere. It is a simple muscle spasm of the diaphragm. Maybe eating too fast. Babies tend to get it a lot. Just relax, try to breath evenly. They go away on their own. If they last excessively long a muscle relaxer will help

Why do i get boiles down below?

you may be run down or it could be to do with your hair follicles they become infected and cause boils
Go to the doctor quick you won't get laid
Go to your GP, it could be a STD like Herpes. If they are like lumps which sometimes come to a head and are filled with puss then they are just blocked glands, common in places where you sweat. Most will go away themself, if they don't they can be treated with antibiotics or cut out in a simple procedure.
would use an antibiotic ointment because it is quite possible that bacterial infection set in and it may be harder for you to get rid of it. Where did you get the idea to shave all the way during your period? By cutting the pimples, you opened the skin so bacteria could easily come in, and they can make quite a mess.
By your description I would say you developed folliculitis, it is infection of the ingrown hairs! Folicullitis usually goes away on its own but some people need antibiotics to treat the infection. The superficial infections are easily taken cared of but those that go deeper may need to be treated medically. There is “special” bacteria that would not go away that easily and if your problem persists, you should see a dermatologist.
Do not touch this area as you may spread the infection. Apply warm compresses on the infected area and get an antibacterial ointment and wash the area twice daily with mild antibacterial soap. Good luck!
It's either FOLLICULITS (inflammation/infection of hair follicles) or HYDRADENTITIS SUPERITIVA (inflammation/infection of sweat glands)

See your doctor, he can prescribe antibiotics, and may want to test you for Diabetes (a cause of boils sometimes)
If it is a recurrent problem for you, don't be fobbed-off by your
doctor-ask for referral to see a dermatologist
Goto Walgreens and get a tube of "drawing salve", put on boils and cover with band-aid or gauze to keep clean. Wash with warm water and soap very well first. This will bring the boil to a head and rid itself of the pus and such. Be careful because boils are in the Staph family! Keep the area clean!
depends where, it may be herpes if on the vulva and crusty/sore/weeping


I have a lump at my bikini line, either an ingrown hair or a lymph node which swells up and down as it pleases!

Either way you need to see your doctor asap hun.

Good Luck! :-)

Why do i feel this way?

For the past week or so I've been exhausted. Last night I slept 15 hours and I'm still tired today. If I was tired this morning from sleeping too much why am I still ehxausted?

Could I be pregnant? About a week ago my breasts got sore (and still are). I don't start my period for another 7 to 8 days.
I don't know could you be pregnant? How about you're anemic? Low Iron. Stressed? Depressed? This could be a lot of things only you will know if it's due to being pregnant.
I would see a doctor. You could just have the flu. I wouldn't have any symptoms this early in your cycle.
You could be. You should not be so tired so soon but who knows.
You sound run down more than anything? are you doing too much in one day? make sure you are eating properly and you need to take yourself off to see your doctor.
just wait and see
take a pregnancy test and then, just to be safe, go to your doctor
Maybe, or maybe you are just going through PMS. Exercise a little to get some energy back .
Mono - Does your throat hurt?
i suggest getting outside and moving around... and yes that is a possibility, i reccomend going to the doctor...
well i get that way sometimes... i think staying up late and missing sleep for a long term period causes you to feel tired when your sleeping patter turns back to normal.
you could have been staying up late during the summer holidays
and now you are getting tired now that you have missed so much sleep.
my breast always get sore a week befor my periods, if you want to be sure pass a pregnancy test, as for your tiredness, maybe it is just the switch of seasons, if most animals slow their heart beats for winter, maybe there was a time back then when humans did also, but now we have to work thru it all. Take it easy and if it doesn't pass cunsult. kiss kiss Jay
Pregnancy can be one reason - but it is a bit too early for such symptoms although everyone is different. You can wait it out and see if your cycle begins if it does see about having blood work done. It is possible that you may be anemic and the breast tenderness is because your cycle is due.
It could be the day lights saving time crap. Your body has its own schedule of when it needs sleep. You gave it some (15 hours) but then that still doesn't cover up for the other sleep you didn't get. You need to set a bed time and a certain time to wake up to get your body back in a schedule. Maybe some sleep med would help. But stick to your sleeping schedule you set for yourself, dont sleep in even if you have nothing to do the next day.
That could mean ur pregnant if i were you go get a pregnant test, but if u dont have the money than wait to see if u start!
you could be pregnant , better to do a test to rule that out and start from there . could also be a low iron or low blood pressure ? best do preggie test and then go see your doc to rule out anything sinister , there are alot of flu and colds that are pretty nasty at the mo , maybe youve got one on the way ?
are you deppressed ? as that makes you tierd . go see your doc as soon as you can , especially as you feel your not feeling quite right and its not the norm for you to be so tierd , hope this helps x
What is your diet like? A lot of women don't get enough iron, which makes you feel tired. Eat breakfast, eggs are full of iron.

Why do I feel that when people see me that only see my chest?

Everyday at school somebody always makes a comment on my chest even my ex-boyfriend. No matter what i wear or how i present myself it never seems to work. Whatever I say to them to make them leave me alone they always seem to turn it around and use it againist me. Sometimes they even thrown things at my chest. Should i get a breast reduction or start slaping people.
Next time your x bf does it, make a comment about his small wiener. Make sure everyone hears it and gets a good laugh and embarrass the hell out of him. That takes care of him.

The others, start throwing things back at them, only throw stick gum at the back of their head, into their hair. When they whine, tell them to stop throwing stuff at you chest and you'll stop throwing gum in their hair.

Winning childish games requires winning on their level. Stick it back in their face and they will second-guess throwing crap at your chest the next time the urge arises

Also try peanut butter or fluff if gum is not available. The tiny wiener comment to the bf would he hystarical. and bring him down a notch or two. Tell tiny that is why you broke up with him in the first place. Salt in the wound works well.

Happy retailiation ;)
slapping would be fun...
Expect males to look. They can't help it actually.

However, in 7th grade, there was this boy who called me "boobs" all the time. One day, I slapped him down a flight of stairs and he never called me "boobs" again.

If you did that today, you'd probably get arrested for assault.

Do not even think about breast reduction.

Do you have a female teacher or staff member you can talk to?

Honestly, I know what I would do...but you'd get into trouble, I just know it. See, I wouldn't put up with it for so long. The kids aren't going to stop until someone stops them.
Take it from a man and use the attention. A lot of woman starve for attention and you something to dumbfound a lot of stupid men. And most of us are stupid, so find away to use it to your advantage.
How old are you? If you're fully grown, and your breast really cause problems (back ache, etc) then getting a reduction is a possibility. Guys are gonna look at any age. Hopefully they grow up soon, and dont make such a big deal about it. However, I wouldn't start slapping people. Although it is tempting, it may cause more problems. Its hard, but the best thing may just be to ignore them.
i have a large chest too and it can be a blessing but also a negative. even friends will make comments in a teasing way not knowing that it can hurt your feelings. i want to be recognized for other things about me other then my boobs. i think the thing to do is to try and surround yourself with positive people that focus on your other great qualitities. you are obviously very articulate by your writting style and inteligent to seek advice from others when you are feeling down. those are great qualities. i think the key is to let close friends know that it hurts when they tease you and the others just ignore. i know what its like though believe me. and surround yourself with good solid positive people. i know that is hard in school believe me but as you get older you will realize that these petty jokes and people will mean very little to you in the long run. keep showing them with your smarts that you are more then a bra size !!
I wouldn't slap anyone. If these people making remarks are flat chested girls they're just jealous so ignore them. They WISH they had boobs! Boys are horn dogs that grow up to be boob obsessed men, that never changes.

There are very supportive bras that reduce the size of your breasts, they're called "minimizers" and are sold in every lingerie department around the world. Go get a good minimizer bra, you'll have to try a few on to find the right one.

If anyone every threw anything at my chest I would make sure it's the last thing they threw. They are harassing you. The school has a responsibility to keep kids from harassing and abusing you, so quit taking it. The next time someone makes a big boob remark or throws something at you, rat them out. Screw that, don't take it.

I would wait until you are at least 18 to 21 years old before considering a breast reduction. I wanted mine minimized when I was younger, now I'm glad I didn't.
You'll never see the eyes of man who prefer's a girls butt over the breasts
You are not alone. I have the very same problem, and the things people say to you can be hurtful. It gets better as you get older, i guess because people tend to grow up a little more. Anyway, I am not gonna tell you that you shouldn't feel this way, because you have every right to. You feel like people are always looking at your chest, because that is what you are so self-conscious about. If you feel that a reduction is best for you then go talk to a doctor. Only you can decide whether or not you want to go through with it. Although it might sound good to you, slapping someone isn't the answer to your question. If you let these people see that they are getting to you, then things will only get worse. Believe me, I know from experience. I am actually considering a breast reduction surgery myself, but like I said that's something only you can decide. Anyway, maybe this advice will help you some. Best of luck to you!

Why do i feel so depressed because of my period?

Go and see your doctor. That's what they're for ! ! !
temporary hormone imbalance,this is normal.
In Guatemala the hill women never had bad expriences when their periods happned until they met civilized women...which might mean this wonderful gift is thought badly of in civilized people. So look at it as the gift it is rather than something to suffer.
I used to get very depressed also. I found cutting back on sugar in my diet helped w/ that and helped w/ cramps.
Mood swings are part of PMS. I think it happens because your body has raised levels of estrogen around your period. I get like that to. It sucks, but I found going on the pill made my PMs and my period a lot easier to deal with.
Many women - me included - get extremely depressed about a week before, and sometimes just after, their period!

It's caused by the hormone changes, and can leave you feeling really terrible.

If your PMS gets really bad, to the point where it's disrupting your relationships/work/life, then you really should speak to your doctor. He or she could refer you to a specialist so you could have your hormone levels checked.

Some women are now taking Prozac (In USA Sarafem) for extremely bad PMS, and getting good results with it.
Not to worry. It is because of hormonal changes in body system. Just remember that you are not the only one feeling depressed over that, as there are many ladies out there who feel this way too :)

Why do i feel sick after everything i eat?

Its just come all of a sudden. Ive been fine but now this has happened? Whats wrong with me?
Eat Little Bit. Not More.
Maybe your pregnant. Just a suggestion...

Why do i feel like this?

usually i am full of energy and latly i have been getting so tired i just constantly feel tired no matter how much i sleep. i know im not pregnant but also i do know that i have a chest infection could this be what is making me tired? im at the docs on friday about my chest should i mention it to him?
I felt like this before Christmas, I didn't have a chest infection so I'm not saying that it's not that that's affecting your fatigue. It could be low hemoglobin levels which is known as anemia. See your doctor, the medicine for anemia that I was prescribed was iron tablets for a few weeks. I'm full of energy now. Hope that helps!
join the tired club, im so tired all the time
could b your infection, ive got a bit of the flu, i reckon when your body is fighting something it goes weak, good luck
Sure, colds and infections can knock the energy right out of you. Take a lot of vitamin c and chicken soup is good also. If you are still feeling out of energy after your infection is gone, talk to your doctor again to make sure you are ok. Feel better soon.
Could also be anemia, lack of iron in the blood. Ask your doctor to run some blood tests. If it is the case,anemia is very easy to correct with iron supplements and you will quickly get your energy back.
Of course mention your chest infection.
I also think maybe you are low in iron.

Why do i feel like i have no energy and im really sleepy?

these past few months have been terrible i feel so sleepy and with no energy. what can i do to help this?why do i feel like this?
please let me know what i can do to have more energy and feel awake
iv tried coffee, energy drinks and pills they dont work.iv also tried a well balance meal and its not helping i really need energy and i need to feel awake what can i do?
... just go for a run or get some other form of excercise. I know it sounds strange. but its because you arn't getting a full sleep. Your body needs to be both mentaly tired and physicly tired to get a full sleep. So if you go for a good run, or go swimming or something you will sleep alot better...and if your getting a good sleep then you would be less tired... its not an over night would probably take about a week or two...but it helps
It could be anemia... which means you're low on iron. You can get iron from tablets, some meats and green vegetables
you also might have mono.. any sore throats at all, they would come and go.
Be sure you're eating enough calories. If you take in fewer than 1,200 and you exercise on top of this, you're not eating enough. If you exercise daily, you should consume around 1,800 calories, never fewer than 1,200. Try a brisk jog in the morning to jump start your metabolism. Avoid lots of carbs and sugars, they tend to give you a bolt of energy, but then a big crash. Eat snacks in the mid morning and mid afternoon to regulate your blood sugar. If this doesn't help, see your doctor and make sure you're not anemic, diabetic or hypoglycemic. All of these have effects of fatigue and low energy. Also, take a daily multivitamin to supplement any nutrients you're not getting from food. Best of luck!
The coffee, energy drinks and other things can just mask a problem. You could be having blood sugar or thyroid problems or something to that effect. You should visit your doctor for some simple testing to see if it is something easily fixed.
You might have mononucleosis, otherwise known as mono. Its a virus (?) whose symptoms include a severe lack of energy, and a propensity for sleeping a ton. You should go to a doctor and ask them to test you for it.

Also, you should exercise at least 3 times a week. Its good for your body and it will make sleeping a lot easier, since your muscles will be tired. Another thing to try is getting 3, 4.5, 6, 7.5, or 9 hours of sleep per night, almost exactly. The REM cycle lasts for an hour and a half, so you get the most rest if you wake up after, as opposed to during, one of these cycles. Hope this helps! And also, the energy drinks and stuff aren't good for you anyway, so try to stop that. Get outside and do something.
get your thyroid checked. It can screw up your metabolism as well

Why do I feel like I am about to pass out a lot?

Very frequently I will be standing up or sitting down and all of a sudden I will get dizzy, light headed, and my ears will start ringing. I have low iron but I am on iron pills, so why does this keep happening?
Might be Vit B-12 instead of Iron

I went thru 8 Doctors over 2 years before #8 found it
Usually that sort of thing is from low blood circulation.
Maybe you have vertigo. You should speak to a doctor immediately.
You need water especially while taking iron.
It could be a number of things. You need to see a Dr. Let the doc know if you ever passed out, if you remember the events directly before you passed out (if you did), if you felt tired afterward.

It can be a number of things (neurologic or cardio being the big 2), but the ringing in the ears is VERY concerning, and needs to be addressed. It may be nothing (low blood volume) but it may be something big. Go see your doc, ok?
Low iron in the body has many side affects. Iron-deficiency anemia can range from mild to severe. A mild case usually causes no symptoms or problems. However, a severe case can cause extreme fatigue (tiredness) and weakness. Severe iron-deficiency anemia can lead to serious problems for young children and pregnant women, and it can affect the heart. It could mean that your body isn't abosbing the iron and you should take it at night to be sure it has time to set in your body. Also I found this when looking this up for you

Treatment depends on accurate diagnosis. Iron in diet or vitamin pills won鈥檛 help if the anemia is not due to low iron. Various forms of iron supplements are available over the counter: Ferrous sulfate, ferrous gluconate or chelated iron. Side effects can include stomach upset and constipation so you need to find a supplement that you can tolerate.



The genetic disorder called hemochromatosis affects the body's ability to control how much iron is absorbed. This leads to too much iron in the body. Treatment consists of a low-iron diet, no iron supplements, and phlebotomy (blood removal) on a regular basis.

It is unlikely that a person would take too much iron. However, children can sometimes develop iron poisoning by swallowing too many iron supplements. Symptoms of iron poisoning include:

Weight loss
Shortness of breath
Grayish color to the skin
See: National Poison Control center

You are dizzy, you get headaches. This might support you have to much Iron in your system. Having to much is just as bad as not enough. CALL YOUR DR and report your side effects NOW!!! Or better yet when you get dizzy have a friend or co-worker or family member take you to the ER!
yeah it is the cause of not having enough iron yet it could also be that your not drinking enough water my doctor told me to drink lots of water. And because you have been sitting down for awhile and than you stand up your body has to take in that movement

Why do i experience painful menstruation?

As days to my menstruation comes near i will be annoyed and some times ask God to prospond it but after my being annoyed or whatever it will still come. Some pple said it's the reason why i'm slim. can some one out there tell me the answer to my painfull mentruation?
if it is that painful, you should see a doctor. there is no reason to live with pain when it can be reduced. good luck.
You should research the condition 'endometriosis'

Why do i experience painful menstruation?

As days to my menstruation comes near i will be annoyed and some times ask God to prospond it but after my being annoyed or whatever it will still come. Some pple said it's the reason why i'm slim. can some one out there tell me the answer to my painfull mentruation?
I can barely understand you, but almost 70% of women have painful cramps and mood swings just before they get their period. You are far from unusual, it is just hormones.

Take some Midol or Pamprin and lay down with a boo.. watch TV.

Nothing else to be done.

Why do i experience discomfort when removing my tampon?

why?! i recently started using them and it hurts 2 take them out! why is this?
If they are not very full (moist with plenty of blood) it can be quite painful, yes. Sometimes it can even be uncomfortable when there is a good bit of blood on it.

Hopefully it isn't too painful for you. If you just started using them, I suggest (personally) that you keep trying. If they continue to be too painful, maybe you shouldn't wear them anymore... but I LOVE them so much better than pads.

I hope it works out for you! :-}
You could be using too high of an absorbancy. If you use a super absorbancy tampon on a normal or light day, it can hurt a bit when you take it out. Same thing with using a normal absorbancy on a light day.
You are using too high of an absorbency for your flow. Either that or not leaving them in long enough. If they are dry it hurts to remove them.
There are two possibilities: First, you're changing too often or second you're using an absorbency that's too great for your flow level.

If you're changing every 4 hours (as an example) then maybe you should wait for 5 or 6 hours, or change to a lower absorbency rating (Juniors or Slims if you're using Regulars).

If you're using Supers or Regulars, try moving down to a lower absorbency (Juniors, for example).
b/c they strip your vagina of all moisture including the natural moisture that would allow things to slide out easier...try a menstrual captures the blood without drying out the vagina...
I've had that once. Maybe you were a bit too rough putting it in one time and you've kind of bruised your vagina? I was on a plane one time and I had to put a tampon in and just as I was inserting it there was a big patch of turbulance and for the rest of my period it really hurt. If you're still feeling pain next time you have your period, go to the doctor.

Why do i crave carbs so much when i have my period?

Biology says that the blood used for this monthly occurance, takes up the energy that usually keeps you up, and going. With the blood, you are also discharging important minerals adn other nytrients that your body needs, so they get replaced monthly, with foods your body "craves" for you to quickly replace what was lost. Sure, I'm a Guy, but hey, whats the harm in knowing this stuff?
the hormone levels get really high when you are menstruating . each persons craves something different. many women crave chocolate to help with the feelings, and you seem to be craving carbs.
carbs help increase serotonin levels in brain, as well as being our fav. "comfort foods"..
You're body is working overtime and wants more energy so it craves the most apparent thing- sugar and carbs. That's why it's best to eat really healthy (fruits/veggies) on your period to get natural energy and nutrition.

Why do I bleed?

I haven't been a virgin in over a year and I've only been with my boyfriend the whole time. recently, the past three times, I've bled during and after intercourse and none of those times was I on my period. Why is this?
If this happened all three times, consecutively, don't mess around, get thee to a doctor NOW! ! ! ! It could be a symptom of a number of problems.....
ANd ignore these perverts that are gonna answer with filth about 'tha ruff stuff'! ! !
Make sure you are using a lubricant -- KY jelly. If your still having problems, go see an ob/gyn...

Why do I always feel nauseous?

I just had a pregnancy test so I know I am not pregnant. I am having this nauseous feeling all the time like I want to throw up, though I have never from this feeling. It makes me not even want to eat. Sometimes I only eat 2 times a day with them both being something small. It is hard to explain but it feels tummy feels nauseous also. I do have an ear infection in my left ear in which I am starting antibiotics for Monday. Could this have anything to do with it?
It's probably the ear infection. Your balance may be off due to the ear infection, so that is causing you to be somewhat nauseous. The antibiotics will help clear up the infection, but they may make you feel nauseous too. Ask your doctor to write you a script for an anti-nausea medication, and you'll be fine.
You have something called Vertigo. There is liquid in your ear and it is touching your ear drum. This will throw your equilibrium off, and you will seem dizzy and/or nauseous. You may want to go back to your doctor and tell him/her about these symptoms. If you do have Vertigo it can come back if you have another ear infection. Do not wait too long when your ears bother you, otherwise you can be in worse shape!
That could have everything to do with it. Our sense of balance is controlled by our inner ears. Since you have an infection in one ear, it is likely that you sense of balance is off. Even if you can't detect it, your body can, which is probably what is maknig you feel nauseous.
For infection try to have some clay, read about clay and use will help you!

Take good care!
well, i can say that just because your sick doesnt mean pregnancy is the first thing it is.

you may just have a bug or something. just because your not getting the other symptoms of the flue or the bug doesnt mean you can rule it out.

dont take anything for it, it'll pass through and if it doesnt after a week id see your gp, but not to worry its prob just a bug
Yes your equal Librium is probably off balance due to your ear infection

Why do I always feel like I have to go the bathroom (urinate) even when I don't?

I recently had a bladder infection and tests have confirmed that it is completely gone. Yet daily I feel like I have to go the bathroom when in fact I don't. It usually happens at night.

Has any one else experienced this? What is the cause? Will it go away and what is the treatment?

Thank you!
You fail to mention if your female or male, big difference.

May mean you are developing diabetes, M %26 F

May have an enlarged prostate M

May be pregnant F

The infection may have weakened the bladder wall M %26 F

I would suggest you have another blood sample taken for peace of mind.

Good luck
the infection could be coming back===also it takes a while for your brain to register that the urinary track is better now
if it gets worse see the Dr again
If it's not your bladder, Dr. House would say, what about the kidney's, are you a diabetic??
sounds like a UTI or the infection didn't go away. get another script for a better antibiotic.
Go back to the doctor
The symptom you are experiencing can be the cause of a urinary tract infection. You really need to follow-up with your doctor and have him repeat the tests.
I would get tested again because it sounds like your UTI is still there. However, to get rid of the symptom of feeling like you have to urinate, take some Uristat. It will turn your urine orange but at least you won't feel the frequent need to urinate.

Why do i act like a child when im 35 yrs old?

im seeing a doctor for something else.maybe i should ask him this question always throwing temper tamptrems at home.
Are these problems related to a certain time of the month? Are they all connected to a certain problem? Do you need to talk to a counselor? I would try to find out what is causing them and how to change my behavior.

For right now if you feel yourself starting to heat up take a moment to calm down. Count to 10, go outside to calm down, whatever you need to regain control.
darlene is that you? because you're a brat.
You could have a mood disorder or hormone imbalance.
cause your spoiled and think the whole world revolves around you?
guess doesnt!
because no one tells you know or you get what you want grow the (*%26^ up are you any fun to be with does this make you happy
If this is becky leaving this message - ya' you are kinda immature, but, thats okay.
Do you need daddy to spank you? E-mail me.

Plus: You don't need to see a doctor... you have no "condition"!!!!!!!...

Ugh. some people.

Why do hormones make me laughy taffy?

I'm so laughed up that when I was typing laughy taffy (both now and in the question) I had to stop typing because I was laughing so hard.
? I don't think this is a hormonal problem.
put the joint down

Why do guys change when the weather gets warm?

Like the girls that they are hanging around and meet in the winter. Like I know this one guy and we have been hanging with each other for like a year, but within the last 2 months we have been a little more than friends. Like he didnt answer my calls or text me like he used to till yesterday.
maybe he realized he wanted to be more than friends with you...

But its true mostly when it gets hot, guys fight more.. Its a known fact.. and people that drive red cars have higher insurance because they are more likely to speed..
Because we get all sweaty wearing our winter clothes, duh.

Why do girls take up drinking and smoking?? Is smoking more injurious to girls than boys??

Well over the years I have noticed that the trend or rather the habit of smoking and drinking is being considered seriously by girls more than the guys. One of the answer I got from a girl was that she wanted to go against the society and people around her but I was not convinced.. Lets see if you have got an answer.
I occasionally drink when I go to a party or a get-together. I also smoke. I started smoking in school and it was my "cool" friends who told me to smoke. I started smoking because of pure pressure. And I haven't stopped since. Now I am Addicted and can't stop. I actually like smoking, but I know it's harmfull. Drinking is worse than smoking, I think. Many families have been broken up by alcohol. But, I don't like drinking that much. I think young girls (and boys) start the habit because all their friends do it, and they think it's cool. And smoking isn't more harmfull to girls that boys, that's actually stupid. We have the same organs(lungs,heart etc.) The only different thing in girls is that smoking increases the chance of getting breast cancer whereas is males it increases the chance of getting Prostate cancer.
its no worse for females than males, its not good for anyone, you sure are a nosey little brat though, if a guy can do it then a girl can, its not your place to judge, you are a fool
it's the same for everyone. and I know A LOT more male smokers, and drinkers. it all depends.
girls have less strenth than boys so it is harmfull
whether it a boy or agirl a bad habit is a bad habit. in cigarette itself we can see it is injurious to health. today people are going for many activities to impreove their health. . they knowingly use alchohol and used to smoke and became sick by its continuous use. drinkers and smokers are not ruining themselves but also to the society around them. being a girl she gave birth to childrens and through the smoking and drunkard mother childrens health also became a problem. by that wayt they are ruining their successors also. when the time of convincing came no body could save them.

Why do girls smoking?whats major causes?

social set up
I'm not sure what you're asking? If you're asking why girls start smoking, there are many reasons for that, including advertising, peer pressure, parent's influence, etc.

If you rephrase your question, you might get better and more specific responses.

Why do girls like to pee their panties?

because most of the time girls are smileing
You've seriously gotta get some new girl friends...ewww!
Ummm...No. That was SUPER lame. Sorry.
No, women don't like to pee their panties. I know there is some adult movies where this is consider a fetish, but you have to remember they are being paid for it.. I hope that helps.

Why do girls have weaker backbone?

Why do girls have weaker backbone than boys?What i mean by backbone is the real backbone which means the spine in the body.
I Dont know why but its natural.
Because we are more sensible.

Why do girls have two holes?

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Why do girls have boobs?

I am asking this because i do not have boobs!!!
because we are mammals., mothers feed their children milk., through their mammary glands, and women's boobs are their mammary glands., you don't have? how old are you? it depends on your age. and not all girls grow them at the same time.
for guys to look at
we need them to feed our children when they are born, plus they look good in tight shirts lol
Sam, my advice to you is to learn the language 1st, then be concerned about what little you have girl.. boobs, indeed.
girls dont have boobs 4 guys to look @ they have it because when a baby is born the ilk that they guna give the baby comes from the girls boobs.
I used to have man boobs but then I lost weight .
I no longer get admiring looks from other men.
God created them for producing milk for your future baby and for pleasure during making love. It consist of breast tissue and supported by fat. If you are thin, your boobs will be small because not much fat inside. Other cause is maybe it is not responding to the hormone stimulation. If you are worried please consult your doctor
"so you have something to look at while you're talking to them"

Why do girls have boobs?

Girls are mammals %26 need to feed their offspring. :)
to feed our babies!
for feeding babies and guys pleasure
to feed our babies and for guys fantasy lol or for them to lick or play with them i guess thats why guys dont have them cause i dont think babies would want to suck a male boob
to breast feed

Why do girls have boobs?

I do not have eney boobs and I want them a lot.All my friends have them but me.
You sound really young, so be patient, they will come. And possibly with a vengeance so be careful what you wish for lol.
To feed thier kids and so we guys can play with something while we do it...

Actually be thankfull because the girls with big ones will have back problems when they get older
Start eating alot of twinkies, and you will get some in no time.
To feed our babies, duh. We're mammals. Go back to your science class and stop farting around here.
Think the main reason Homosapien women have breasts is for producing milk for thier offspring.
are you a boy or girl? Girls have boobs so they can breastfeed.
We have them for when we have children. To feed the
Milk for babies!
wait for it to grow.
girls mature at different rates. some early 7th or 8th grade some not till later. if you are very active in sports. it can slow purberty down. a good indication of how big (or small) you will be is to look at the female members of your family. specifically your mother and grandmothers.
well how old are you? and women get breasts because God put them there to feed your babies when the time comes...and for your husbands and your pleasure when you are married
i don't pray and ask god
so then they can flash them at men
but breast feeding works too.
gain some wait by eating tons of junkfood
This is for feeding their babies.

If you put on weight, you will get them but you will be sorry, it will cause back pain and you will need a male bra to support them.
to breast feed...
U may develop latter
sorry i have to ask are you a guy or a girl if your a guy the answer is that women have diffreant chromosones and hormones which the need breast as everyone else said is to feed babies if your a girl dont worry i dont know how old you are but you sound younger and i will tell you straight up im in11th grade and i barly have any i cant even fit in an A cup (because the cup size is to big)
they need to give breastmilk to kids like you.
Breastmilk is good for kids, It is good for kids' fathers too as it comes free, and comes in attractive containers.
Hey we have boobs
It is designing of God, manufacturer. You can not change the basic features.
Well because there ancestors were monkies which feed their childeren as she monkeys change to gal the whole flesh comes out. and to feed their babies they need a storage medium for milk that are Boobs(mammary glands.

Why do girls get so moody and mean during their period?

Why do we have to PMS? Its like I know I'm being mean but I cant help it I'm just so irratated!
An increase or decrease in Estrogen , progesterone and other hormones can cause moodiness. During your period your body is getting rid of the lining of your uterus where your body prepared for pregnancy. If you do not become pregnant your body sheds the lining of the uterus as waste.
it's the hormones that will make you do that . Try to walk before you get your period and maybe eat some chocolate, that always helps me .
Because our hormones are raging and going every which way which screws with our emotions and actions.
It is an irritation inside the body that spoils the mood.
Blaire , i think its our hormone's but sometimes we may just be in a bad mood
Aren't we all love!! It's all to do with hormones, doesn't really seem to be any point to it tbh. Look on the brightside - we have an excuse if we're mean
-"sorry, im just being hormonal"
-"it's okay, i understand"
Not much fun though x
It's all bout your hormones,,,,,,when they rise you will feel like that. But talk to your doctor it could be something more serious than that like PMDD.
Um.. because it hurts.
Your moods are regulated by hormones. When you get your period, there are a lot of hormonal changes, and you get tired because you're shedding the lining of your uterus.

Sucks, doesn't it?
Hormonal raises.
its hormones and the fact that it hurts and wen cant really do anything about it...

Why do girls flash their boobs?

Because it is fun and we know that they are pretty!

( . ) ( . )
Why do you not like it then?
The ones that do 'flash' their boobs probably do it for attention and boost their self esteem. Cause if the only thing a girl likes about her body is her boobs she'll want to show her best assets to get male attention.
they want people to see them and enjoy looking at how people react. or they may be desperate for a partner. :D
b/c they make us extra happy.
u know, god must have been havin a good day when he made those on Eve.
"yes sir! those will work!"
because it is fun and good for you if you flash
cause we like to
Because they're awesome!

Why do girls and women hate periods so much?

Ummm...Because of the pain!

I'm guessing your young because you haven't experienced you period yet!
Cause rather use commas . . .
Pain from cramps, migraine headaches, need I go further?
Its all Eve's fault! We are meant to suffer through blood and pain.
Just wait for another 6 months, a tab is getting ready, which stops flow during periods. Already tried successfully on women, no side affects. Just wait.
Because there is so little to love about them. Who likes cramps, mood swings, feeling bloated and being tired? I know I don't!
personally if I bled out of that area each month id have more issues than any gal i know. Just get a gf and be around her for a few months when she is raggin you will find out fast the answers to your question.
Well for me, I hate them because I believe i am dirty when I have my period and that everyone can tell that I am having my monthy visit.
I also feel like everyone can smell me even though they can't, i shower more regulary.
Also having to change the tampon every 3 hours is a pain because you have to keep remembering.
Buying tampons as well, luckily they are cheap.
Also hate the cramps and the headaches i get around that time.
We hate them becauses they causes us to feel fatigue, having bad stomach cramps, it is so troublesome and it sorts of hinder some of our daily activities (eg swimming ...)
It just feels nasty. Do you get periods? They're gross.
I Hate having them for all the above reasons... I can tolerate having to change every once in a while. but cannt stand all those cramps and uneasiness....
Because the sight of blood makes them feel sick/weak.
For me it was the ten days of so much agony I would curl up and cry or OD on pain killers to pass out. I bled so much I would faint. It was hell.
Not all women get it this bad, so it is hard for them to understand.
I went on the pill so it is better now.
I personally dislike it because it's messy. and of course, no one likes the cramps.
Because it's bloody, which some may argue how wonderful blood is, personally, I find it gross even though I know it's not dirty and there isn't really a logical reason. Secondly, it hurts both physically and mentally, cramps, bloating, breast pain and I experience mild to moderate depression the week before my period, thinking about suicide once a month?Eh, not so fun.

Since going on hormonal birth control, it's a little better, but yea, it's a curse.
girls and women hate having periods because its gets in their way of doing their regular activities and also because thier periods are often accompanied by cramps and other inumerable discomforts and bad mood
hassle..especially when you suffered illness.
because they stop you from doing what you want.. they are more of a nuisance..are you like young or something..obviously you have never had one otherwise you wouldn't be asking
Periods are that time of the month that makes girls feel disgusting, grose and smelly. They're REALLY uncomfortable and can stop you doing some things. It makes me feel so grose that i feel i cant lay down without it 'running'. SO GROSE!! i cant sleep or anything. i feel like ****. lol.

+ all the pains and headaches people get.


Why do fat women say they are curvy? I see alot of blubber and cottage cheese, but not many curves..?

If you look like Doug Heffernan, then please remove this question.. out of fairness.
Cos in america, the average weight is 600pounds. Thus all fat women think that they are thin
they are trying to make something pretty out of something that is truely disgusting, imo
There's lumpy and then there's curvy. Lumpy is bad. Curvy is good.

Somebody's looking in a funhouse mirror if they're confusing the two.
Because they already have low enough self esteem, so they try and make it sound better by calling them "curves"
ummm. Let's all have a look at YOU in 20 years and then we will tell you why big women are "curvy" ...I'll bet you will tell everyone you have love handles and there is just more of you to love
bout like the 10lbs of chit in a 2lb bag ,(tight clothes)
I agree. Fat is fat. People don't want to sacrifice or work hard in any area of life including choosing good foods and exercising. Instead of facing the truth, they lie and say it's curves. You only get one body and if you wear it out by the choices you make you're going to have a miserable existence if it wears out early. You can't cheat death, but you can be the healthiest you can be until your time comes. Most people take better care of their cars than their bodies!
the curves are there,you just cant see them.
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